Infertility Defined

Physicians define infertility as one year of unprotected intercourse without pregnancy in women <35 years old, or 6 months of unprotected intercourse without pregnancy in women 35+ years old.

Maternal age is the greatest predictor of fertility success. Egg quality begins to decline at age 30, and sharply declines at age 35. This means, with each passing year, the chances of conception continue to fall, while the risks for chromosomal issues and miscarriage rise if pregnancy does occur.

Fertility is a very personal issue. Once you’ve decided the time is right to start a family, it can be very upsetting when pregnancy doesn’t happen immediately. We understand. Most couples are apprehensive about admitting to each other that something might not be right. For some, it can be even more difficult to agree on when to consider meeting with a specialist.

If you are beginning to suspect there is an issue, it’s never too soon to schedule a consult, especially if you have a medical condition linked to infertility. You know your own body, medical history, and relationship.

If you are younger than 35, it is possible to improve your fertility with positive lifestyle changes to weight and nutrition, smoking, alcohol, and drug use, the timing and frequency of intercourse, and exercise.

If you are over age 35 and struggling to get pregnant, let’s have a conversation about how to help you reach your goal of a family sooner.  The more time you can give yourself with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, the better your chances will be of having a family.


Fertility and Age

One of the most important factors in a woman’s ability to have a healthy pregnancy is her age. Learn more about how age impacts fertility.

Infertility in Women

Infertility in women is the inability to conceive after 12 months of trying for women under 35 years old, or 6 months for women over 35.

Unexplained Infertility

More than 15% of couples struggling to get pregnant have unexplained infertility, in which testing does not uncover a cause for infertility.

Male Infertility

Male infertility is a factor in up to half of infertility cases in couples, and includes issues with sperm production or obstruction.

Secondary Infertility

Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive again after giving birth to a first child. Don’t give up: Fertility treatment can help.

Recurrent Miscarriage

Recurrent miscarriage, two or more pregnancy losses, affects approximately 1.3% of women. Learn more about causes and fertility treatments.

For 6 years we tried on our own, not knowing what the problem may be. In 2017 we decided we needed help, so we reached out to Carolina Conceptions. With much help from Dr. Park and the amazing staff we were able to conceive via IVF. Our bundle of joy is now 2 weeks old. We could never thank you all enough for your kind words and support.

– C&J, Warsaw, NC