Explaining INVOcell

Carolina Conceptions is proud to offer INVOcell, the affordable, simple, and more natural form of IVF to help you create the family you want. For many couples struggling with infertility, access to treatment is often not possible. Financial challenges, religious, social or cultural roadblocks can prevent these hopeful parents from realizing their dream to have a baby. INVOcell treatment costs less than half of the average cost of traditional IVF. There are two reasons that enable the reduced cost with this new technology. 

First, expensive laboratory procedures are not needed with INVOcell. ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) is not needed and there is no need for incubation within the lab.  ICSI is used for most traditional cases of IVF, where sperm are directly injected into the eggs.  With INVOcell, the eggs are intended to be fertilized naturally.  Incubation of embryos within the laboratory is not needed either.  Instead, a cylindrical piece of equipment, the INVOcell, is designed to replace incubators used in traditional IVF. With INVOcell, the eggs and sperm are placed within the capsule which is then inserted into the woman’s vagina for the incubation period.  The embryos develop within the capsule, utilizing a woman’s own body to provide the necessary conditions of temperature, pH balance and oxygen to encourage fertilization and embryo development. After five days, the INVOcell is removed and the healthy embryo(s) are transferred back to the uterus.

The second source of cost reduction for INVOcell is the limited need for medications and ultrasounds during the ovarian stimulation.  The medication cost is approximately 1/5 that needed for a traditional IVF cycle, and only 2 ultrasounds are needed instead of the typical 4. This also means there are fewer appointments to attend, and a reduced need for bloodwork by the patient.

INVOcell is the first Intravaginal Culture (IVC) system granted FDA clearance in the United States, providing millions of infertile couples across the country access to this infertility treatment. The INVOcell device will provide couples the opportunity to have an additional option other than Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and traditional In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).  After 2 years’ of experience (December 2020), with almost 100 cycles of treatment, our pregnancy rates with INVOcell are approximately 55% per cycle started, and 46% of patients had extra embryos that can be frozen for future use.

INVOcell is a great option for patients who are using donor sperm.  As of December, 2020, we have had 34 patients undergo treatment.  61% became pregnant on the first embryo transfer and 56% had extra embryos to freeze, which provides opportunities for genetic siblings without the need to purchase additional sperm.

The best candidates for INVOcell are women under the age of 38 with a BMI under 38, an AMH of 1.5 or more, and good sperm quality. Please call (919) 782-5911 to schedule an appointment with one of our five infertility specialists to learn more.

Wanting to find out more about Invocell? Check out Dr. Bowling’s video below that answers all of the most common questions about the natural, affordable option for IVF.